Generations Of A Liar

i. Silver sheets and silk fabrics. Hands soft and nimble, gentleness of wings. The comfort of sweet lavender and rosemary beads. Will they ever know? Will they ever notice how often the door is locked? Petals that overflow to cover rotting buds. Eggshells that have been smashed and reconstructed a million times over.

ii. Have you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? How many skeletons are you hiding in your skin? Whose teeth are those? Are they your own or the you from 3 years ago's? How many times have you uttered a name that isn't yours from those lips? How many times have you dug her grave? Will you ever let her body rest?

iii. Prophet festering under industrial light. Can you taste the ink in your mouth? Do you still beg for purity? Does it still hurt? Have the whispers subsided or has the wound deepened? How do you feel now? It is you who trained the lambs to tear the flesh that mistreats them; do you expect to stay whole?
